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Post-Graduation Employment Commitment

WSW graduates are required to work for two years in a high-needs local education agency as a school social worker.

According to a 2015 survey of Washington School Social Workers, only 34% worked under the job title ‘School Social Worker’.  While we, at the WSW, feel it is vital for role definition and advocacy efforts to increase the number of School Social Workers operating under the School Social Work job title- we understand that the current employment landscape has school social workers under varied roles. The following list includes all acceptable job titles at high-need LEAs that meet the criteria for loan repayment. 

If a WSW graduate is pursuing a school social position with a job title not on this list, please fill out the form on the following link to request consideration for the position.  WSW graduates will need to submit a job description, and job title as well as answer other relevant questions. The WSW Leadership Team considers each request in light of  RCW 28A.410.044 definition of school social work and the National School Social Work Model.

Request for Job Title Consideration

Acceptable job titles for post-graduates to fulfill the scholarship requirements are as follows: